Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Condom May Become thing of past

It may be time for men to split the contraceptive burden with women, for Scottish scientists have come up with a new 'Pill' that drastically
reduces sperm count in men.

Professor Richard Anderson, from Edinburgh University, is on the look out for men willing to try the revolutionary hormone injections, containing progesterone and testosterone, to be given in the bum every two months.

The researcher believes that the contraceptive treatment works better than condoms, and is as effective as the female Pill.

"If this trial is successful I imagine there would be interest in looking at marketing the injection as a male contraceptive," the Sun quoted Anderson as saying.

"The surveys we have done have been very positive - and particularly positive from women. A lot of women who have taken on the reproductive and contraceptive burden think it's maybe time men took their turn.

"Even if not all men would be keen on an injection, there would definitely be a market to make such a treatment available," he added.

Anderson further said that no serious side-effects had been predicted from the year-long trial, run by the World Health Organisation. The effects of the injections were also assured to be fully reversible.

A spokesman from the Family Planning Association said: "It is important that research continues to try to give men more contraceptive choice. But it is crucial that any new contraceptive is rigorously tested to make sure that it is incredibly safe and effective." Source:The times of India

Friday, October 9, 2009

First Night Sex

The first time you have sex, it's not all smooth sailing. In fact, many fears are attached to it. Dr Mahinder Watsa tells you what to expect (and
Clear the air about first time sex
what not to expect) the first time you get intimate with someone.

There'll be many a slip
Everybody wants their first time to be perfect. Some even envision it to be some kind of fairytale moment. Nothing wrong with that, but one should know that there could be slip-ups, all the same. The man often wishes intercourse to last longer, but if he achieves orgasm early (presumably due to a rush of excitement), it is okay! Some may even fail to achieve an erection and in that moment of disappointment, label themselves as not being 'up to the mark'. If that is what you think, it is a big mistake. You can always end the session with ample foreplay. If things don't go as planned in the very first time, there's always a second time. If a man can achieve an erection during masturbation, he is normal. So just relax and go with the flow.

Yes, it hurts, but wait
For women, the first time can be a little painful, but hang on. It's not the pain that they must dread. In most cases, the pain is almost like that of finger prick. However, it's the fear of pain that makes things worse. The hype surrounding the pain often induces fear in women, resulting in spasms at the slightest touch. This is where it is important for the partner to step in. Firstly, ensure she feels comfortable with you. Ample foreplay is a must to get the vagina lubricated. Start with inserting a finger to rupture the hymen,
and then slowly, proceed towards intercourse. The key is to take it slow.

Bleeding? Maybe. Maybe not
That a woman must bleed during her first intercourse is undoubtedly the most misguided notion people harbour. The bleeding occurs when the hymen splits. However, why is it so difficult to understand that the same hymen which is considered a mark of virginity by many men can also split due to other reasons? Rigorous exercises such as cycling can split the hymen. In some cases, it may even be congenitally absent. The hymen can also rupture, when women masturbate. Bleeding, or no bleeding, the fact that you are close enough to your partner to get sexually intimate demands you also put a certain level of trust in her. Doubts, if any, should be cleared right in the beginning, and not in the bed.

Contraception can fail
One wrong move is enough to invite unwanted pregnancy. Don't rely on withdrawal method or the safe days of the woman's menstrual cycle. Unmarried couples must use condoms. If marriage is around the corner, the woman can visit her gynaecologist a month before the wedding. The doctor will put her on oral contraceptives, safe enough to see the couple through the honeymoon phase. Later, the couple can consult the gynaecologist and select the contraceptive method that suits them the best.

It will get messy
When body fluids are exchanged, it can get quite messy. But there are no two ways about it. Either you do it, or you don't. So don't fret too much about unwanted stains and keep an extra sheet handy. Source:The times of India

How to de-stress your sex-life

Do you feel that stress is squeezing the fun out of your bedroom life?
How to make your life stress-free (Getty Images)

If yes, then you can bring back the action, courtesy tips provided by sex educator and relationship expert Dr. Yvonne Kristin Fulbright. According to the expert, many couples become frustrated, even panicky, when their sex lives go to the wayside during stressful times. When it comes to the factor that governs a person's sex life, it's personality, reports Fox News.

Fulbright says that how an individual's sex life fares depends on whether he tries to get closer to his partner in tragic times or wants to be totally alone and if he's the withdrawing sorts, then it can create misunderstandings in the relationship.

In order to avoid any such misunderstandings and still keep sex life full of fun and passion, Fulbright has suggested that couples need to establish a common ground and mutual understanding during stressful times.

Also, they should make an effort to stay connected during life's highs and lows, because if they don't, it could lead to dire consequences. And in case, sex is not on mind and also the time to be spent in the sack is less, then a person can try the following:

1. Showing appreciation for one another. Giving compliments, for example, is a simple way of expressing affection and letting your partner know that he or she is still being noticed and loved.

2. Talking daily. Chat during dinner or at bedtime. Conversations foster bonding by providing support. It's also important for couples to check in with each other, showing concern and care for one another's well-being with simple statements like, "Tell me about your day."

3. Staying positive . Bite your tongue if you're about to complain. Stressful situations are hard enough to deal with. Don't add to it if you can avoid doing so.

4. Believing in your future together. Stressful times can make lovers doubt their ability to stay together for the long haul. Insecurity issues that arise can only make matters more difficult. Making plans is one way to indicate that you're feeling secure about your future.

5. Helping each other with responsibilities . Approaching tasks with a team effort provides a greater sense of being in 'this' together.

6. Balancing 'alone time' and 'together time.' Create a sensual atmosphere, for example, soothing scents, dim lights, delicious food, and relaxing music to help you unwind.

7. Getting creative in how you'll be intimate . Redefine your definition of sexual intimacy when needed; try a simple body massage.

Not to forget, lovers should make it a point to give in to one another's requests for intimacy whenever possible, as it might just prove to be a big stress-buster. In fact, sex has many physical and emotional benefits, which may help in boosting your desire for more sex and emotional intimacy. Sex can easily take your mind off of your worries.

Also, patience is the key to get your sex life back on track. One should make sure that your relationship, in general, doesn't get neglected. Source:timesofindia.indiatimes

Top ten sex romps

Are you always complaining that your sex life is running out of steam? Well, what's stopping you from getting adventurous and innovative? Charge up
In the kitchen
your sex life using this list of the 10 craziest places to fool around...or you could get inspired and think of a few of your own!

1. On the couch: After the bed, the couch in the living room is screaming for attention. And the best part...it's comfy too. The cushions work as a support system to get those curves and arches to enjoy the perfect moves, while the lack of space will keep up the intimacy levels. Want some more action? Put on a wild flick on video and you have a perfect mood maker!
Word of caution: Watch out your moves, going out of control is injurious...for the couch of course!

2. In the bathtub: Things can get real hot even in a cool bath tub. For the ultimate romantic experience, arrange for a bubble bath with aromatic rose petals and passion perfume. Add some mood lighting, splash a few drops of 'ylang ylang' essential oil and be certain that the sensuous experiment will lead to some supah hot sex.
Word of caution: Check out the water temperature, you don't want to end up with painful blisters or a frozen lover...isn't?

3. In the kitchen: Be it 91/2 Weeks or Fatal Attraction , the kitchen has borne witness to quite a number of sexapades. The sturdy surfaces and shelves offer great support, especially for stand-up acts, while the feeling of being at an unconventional place pumps up the excitement to newer heights. And how can you miss the yummy treats your kitchen is loaded with? Eat them, but off each other's hot bods. Think chocolate, cream, jams and jellies!
Word of caution: Know the stuff you are eating and applying...some edibles are good only to eat. So watch out for allergies!

4. In the pool: Though not many are privileged to have one in the confines of their home, if you are one of the lucky few, make the most of it. Challenge your swimming skills and get under for into some underwater escapades. Who said that the inflatable water turtle is meant only for tanning, use it for some steamy adventure...ride it together and get a new high!
Word of caution: You need not be swimming champs, but fairly decent floating skills are definitely expected to get into the water-y fun.

5. In the car: Yes it's crammed, but it's cosy too. A quickie in the backseat can rekindle the excitement that you felt during your heady college days. Put on some romantic retro tracks and switch on the AC. Don't fret, it won't cool down the passion. When the place is different, the position can't be a drab. It's tough to adjust facing each other, but turning the world around can definitely help...hope you got the clue!
Word of caution: Just be careful where you park...you don't want to get busted!

6. In the dressing room: How about catching her unawares in the dressing room of a store? Sounds dangerous but thrilling too! The fear of getting caught will only add to the sensual experience, while the lack of time is perfect to give you a never before quickie. Thinking comfort? Sorry! All you have is a stool...let him stand as you take charge!
Word of caution: Making noise is not allowed here and do take care of hidden cameras and key-holes.

7. The stairs: If you are thinking they can be a pain to one's body, think again, as they can be adventurous too. After all, they can give you those highs and lows, especially when the girl is comparatively short.
Word of caution: Don't get really aggressive if getting cramps in your lower back is not on your mind.

8. On the roof : Yes, this can be a great playground; the gentle moonlight, a cool breeze to caress your passionate entwinings. Pep it up with some paper lamps or scented candles and light music, which will just add to the mood. You have all the space to set the ball rolling...so go ahead and explore her contours under a starry sky.
Word of caution: No physical risks are involved...but just take care of peeping Toms around.

9. In a sleeping bag: Nothing could bring you as close as that sleeping bag that's meant for a single person and is loaded with two! Why not get into some naughty action and add to a fun-filled camping trip? Instead of the normal position, turn around and have some fun from behind. Talk about kinky fantasies!
Word of caution: Zip the bag properly, you don't want end up killing insects in the mid of the act.

10. On a plane: You can try the toilet and if that's too cramped, the seat in a Business or First class cabin. Some airliners with long-haul flights now boast of recliner seats that go as flat as a bed. Take a flight of fantasy.
Word of caution: Don't try it if you already have flight phobia and take care of people lining-up outside the loo. Source:timesofindia.indiatimes

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Extra Marital Affairs

The 1st Affair:

A married man was having an affair with his secretary.
One day they went her place and made love all afternoon. Exhausted, they fell asleep and woke up at 8 PM.

The man hurriedly dressed and told his lover to take his shoes outside and rub them in the grass and dirt.
He put on his shoes and drove home.

"Where have you been?" his wife demanded.
"I can't lie to you," he replied, "I'm having an affair with my secretary. We had sex all afternoon."

"You lying bastard!
You've been playing golf!"

The 2nd Affair:

A middle-aged couple had two beautiful daughters but always talked about having a son.
They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted.

The wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy.
The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son.

He was horrified at the ugliest child he had ever seen.
He told his wife, "There's no way I can be the father of this baby. Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered! Have you been fooling around behind my back?"

The wife smiled sweetly and replied, "Not this time!"

The 3rd Affair:

A woman was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband opening the front door.
"Hurry," she said, "stand in the corner."

She rubbed baby oil all over him, then dusted him with talcum powder.
"Don't move until I tell you," she said. "Pretend you're a statue."

"What's this?" the husband inquired as he entered the room.
"Oh it's a statue." she replied. "The Smith's bought one and I liked it so much I got one for us, too."

No more was said, not even when they went to bed.
Around 2 AM the husband got up, went to the kitchen and returned with a sandwich and a beer.

"Here," he said to the statue, "have this. I stood like that for two days at the Smith's and nobody offered me a damned thing."

The 4th Affair:

A man walked into a cafe, went to the bar and ordered a beer.
"Certainly, Sir, that'll be one cent."

"One Cent?" the man thought.
He glanced at the menu and asked, "How much for a nice juicy steak and a bottle of wine?"

"A nickel," the barman replied.
"A nickel?" exclaimed the man. "Where's the guy who owns this place?"

The bartender replied, "Upstairs, with my wife."
The man asked, "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?"

The bartender replied,
"The same thing I'm doing to his business down here."

The 5th Affair:

Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside.
He looked up and said weakly, "I have something I must confess."

"There's no need to," his wife replied.
"No," he insisted, "I want to die in peace. I slept with your sister, your best friend, her best friend, and your mother!"

"I know, I know," she replied. "Now just rest and let the poison work."

Wishful Thinking

Gwen was one of those UGLY women, so she never had a boyfriend.

So she went to a psychic for help.

Honey! - said the psychic. You will not have luck in love in this life.

But after death, you will be a much desired woman and all men will fall at

your feet.

Gwen left very happy and so excited, as she went over a bridge she

thought: "The sooner I die, the sooner my next life begins"

She decided to jump off the bridge right away.

But, incredibly Gwen didn't die!

She fell on the back of a truck full of bananas; she lost her senses and fainted.

As soon as she recovered, still drowsy and not being able to see very well,

and not knowing where she was, she started touching her surroundings.

Feeling all the bananas she mumbled with a huge smile on her face and



Monday, September 14, 2009

Extra Marital Affairs

The 1st Affair:

A married man was having an affair with his secretary.
One day they went her place and made love all afternoon. Exhausted, they fell asleep and woke up at 8 PM.

The man hurriedly dressed and told his lover to take his shoes outside and rub them in the grass and dirt.
He put on his shoes and drove home.

"Where have you been?" his wife demanded.
"I can't lie to you," he replied, "I'm having an affair with my secretary. We had sex all afternoon."

"You lying bastard!
You've been playing golf!"

The 2nd Affair:

A middle-aged couple had two beautiful daughters but always talked about having a son.
They decided to try one last time for the son they always wanted.

The wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby boy.
The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son.

He was horrified at the ugliest child he had ever seen.
He told his wife, "There's no way I can be the father of this baby. Look at the two beautiful daughters I fathered! Have you been fooling around behind my back?"

The wife smiled sweetly and replied, "Not this time!"

The 3rd Affair:

A woman was in bed with her lover when she heard her husband opening the front door.
"Hurry," she said, "stand in the corner."

She rubbed baby oil all over him, then dusted him with talcum powder.
"Don't move until I tell you," she said. "Pretend you're a statue."

"What's this?" the husband inquired as he entered the room.
"Oh it's a statue." she replied. "The Smith's bought one and I liked it so much I got one for us, too."

No more was said, not even when they went to bed.
Around 2 AM the husband got up, went to the kitchen and returned with a sandwich and a beer.

"Here," he said to the statue, "have this. I stood like that for two days at the Smith's and nobody offered me a damned thing."

The 4th Affair:

A man walked into a cafe, went to the bar and ordered a beer.
"Certainly, Sir, that'll be one cent."

"One Cent?" the man thought.
He glanced at the menu and asked, "How much for a nice juicy steak and a bottle of wine?"

"A nickel," the barman replied.
"A nickel?" exclaimed the man. "Where's the guy who owns this place?"

The bartender replied, "Upstairs, with my wife."
The man asked, "What's he doing upstairs with your wife?"

The bartender replied,
"The same thing I'm doing to his business down here."

The 5th Affair:

Jake was dying. His wife sat at the bedside.
He looked up and said weakly, "I have something I must confess."

"There's no need to," his wife replied.
"No," he insisted, "I want to die in peace. I slept with your sister, your best friend, her best friend, and your mother!"

"I know, I know," she replied. "Now just rest and let the poison work."

Thursday, September 10, 2009

3 Newly Married Daughters

A Mother had 3 virgin daughters.

They were all getting married within a short time
period. Because Mom was a bit worried about how their sex life would
get started, she made them all promise to send a postcard from the honeymoon with a
few words on how marital sex felt.

The first girl sent a card from Hawaii two days after
the wedding.

The card said nothing but: "Nescafe"!

Mom was puzzled at first, but then went to her
kitchen and got out the Nescafe jar.

Nescafe Rich Blend Coffee, 475g It said: "Good till
the last drop".

Mom blushed, but was pleased for her daughter.

The second girl sent the card from Vermont a week
after the wedding, and the card read: "Rothmans"


Mom now knew to go straight to her husband's
cigarettes, and she read from the pack:

"Extra Long. King Size"

She was again slightly embarrassed but still happy
for her daughter.

The third girl left for her honeymoon in
Cape Town. Mom waited for a week, nothing. Another
week went by and still nothing. Then after a whole
month, a card finally arrived. Written on it with
shaky handwriting were the
words "Air Pacific"

Mom took out her latest Fiji Living magazine, flipped
through the pages fearing the worst, and finally found
the ad for AP.
The ad said:

"Ten times a day, seven days a week, both ways."

Mom fainted!.

Tips to lure a woman

Finding it hard to land a date? Well, Sydney writer Sam de Brito's new book, 'Building a Better Bloke' might just help.
Tips to lure a woman

Brito has admitted that he has had his share of dud dates - partly because his past approach to dating involved getting drunk. But now, he has made a few adjustments when it comes to luring the opposite sex. And he has urged other men to do the same in his new book.

"I'm not trying to teach men how to be a pick-up artist or a stud, I want to show men how to build self-esteem, build a life for themselves - which in turn will attract women," the Courier Mail quoted Brito, as saying.

According to the 39-year-old, his generation has lost the art of communicating with women. "Guys have fallen through the cracks. We like to think of men as bold and confident and a lot of them aren't," he said.

He said that for some, the biggest fear in life is approaching and striking up a conversation with a woman. In this case, he has suggested practice and a sense of humour is the key. The catch phrase of his book is: "Find a life and you'll find love". "The biggest thing is not to look cool, but to have a life with lots of interests. Get involved in your life, look after yourself, and you're primed to meet someone," he said.

He said that good manners and keeping clean are also important. "Be a gentleman. Respect yourself. Even if you're funny and charming, you're not going to get far with a woman if you smell," he said.

Besides clean sheets and clean fingernails, Building a Better Bloke also reminds men of the simple things, like holding a door open for women.

So, the ten tips to lure a woman are:

Stay healthy
Don't abuse alcohol or drugs
Have a job that means something to you
Be busy with your own activities
Be well groomed and clean
Have a sense of humour
Talk to women as individuals, not as a gender
Be a gentleman
Don't mix with loser friends.
Have a clean bedroom, clean sheets - and a lamp to create romantic lighting Source:timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Spicier vacation sex

Want to pep up your love life? Well, then all you need to do is plan a 'vacation' sex with your partner, for it can do wonders for your heart,
vacation sex
mind, and soul, according to a new research.

Sex on a holiday allows you to get away from pressures, distractions, worries and responsibilities — basically, any of those libido-killers that affect your love life most days of the year, reports the Daily Telegraph

While on vacation, you can totally devote yourself to nurturing your sexual needs and desires — and to attending to those of your lover.

This is one of the reasons the vast majority of American marriage counsellors recommend a regular weekend away as the one thing that can help a marriage, especially a struggling one.

Vacation is the best place to get 'sexperimental'. People love having sex in new places. This is in large part because of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

When people have new experiences, dopamine spikes in the brain, triggering lust. And with that, many are willing to try something new and exciting.

In a new, romantic, or exotic place, lovers can rediscover one another. In trying different restaurants or embarking on a variety of nightlife activities, every evening that you're away feels like a date night, each with its own distinct backdrop.

All of this enhances lovers' moods, helping them to feel better about one another and more connected.

When you make the time for nothing but loving, that's hopefully what you're going to get – and lots of it.

Sex will breed the desire for more sex, making both partners feel better about their sex life and the relationship.

This is both for couples already content with their sex life and those hoping their vacation will make for some romance repair.

Bedroom blunders

When you're in bed with your lover, the last thing you want to do is turn them off. That said, here are a few common blunders that you should not commit...

1. Not kissing
Believe it or not, many people (and this includes women) don't kiss their partner when they're having sex. Why? Perhaps because the positioning doesn't allow for it or they are too eager to climax and feel that it might break the rhythm.

Nevertheless, it is highly recommended that you make an effort to kiss your partner during the act - it will only add to the experience.

2. Biting before your partner's ready
While many people enjoy an aggressive partner, biting any part of their body before they are aroused may lead to pain and discomfort (and might even lessen the chances of any further action ) or simply scare them off.

So make sure your partner is fully excited before you bite their ear, shoulders, neck or any other part of their body.

3. Ignoring everything but sexualised parts
Genitals are great, no doubt, but you should definitely pay attention to other parts of your lover's body and focus for some time on their entire body - knees, wrists, back and stomach are highly erogenous zones for men as well as women.

Gently caressing these areas will help excite your partner further; in turn, increasing the chances of them pleasuring you back.

4. Putting your weight on your partner
Even if you're a girl! It's okay to lose yourself in the moment every once in a while and go crazy on your lover. But when you're lying on top of them, you have to be careful not to drop your weight on them.

Chocking them or hindering their ability to breathe will anyway kill the moment and any chances of some good action.

5. Climaxing too soon/too late
This one is especially for men. You need to have good control on your muscles to ensure that you can ejaculate at an appropriate time. Too soon and you may leave your partner unsatisfied; too late and it might leave your partner feeling as if they're pumping iron at the gym.

To avoid this, spend a lot more time on foreplay (this will help men as well as women). If you take too long and can only ejaculate via manual stimulation, do your best to get your partner to orgasm and then they can return you the favour.

6. Not warning your partner before you climax
If you're going to let go - and this applies even to women - whether during oral sex or intercourse, you need to tell your partner beforehand. Something as simple as "I'm going to let go," will suffice. Your partner deserves to know.

7. Treating sex like porn
Although some couples enjoy having raunchy sex, you'd be wise to talk to your partner before you engage in such behaviour. If you begin being nasty with your lover without knowing if they like it first, chances are the scenario won't end on a happy note.

8. Staying quiet
Do you like to hear it when your partner is having a good time? So pay them the same respect and speak up when you're enjoying yourself.

Something as simple as a little moan, or even saying something like, "that feels so good," will encourage them and educate them further on your moan zones.

9. Mechanical act
It may feel comfortable to you to pump away like you do at the gym, but you'll quickly discover that most people don't enjoy such an act. Mix it up a little bit; go fast at times, then slowly. Be creative and you'll find yourself enjoying some variation too.

Vastushastra for Loveshastra !

Mahima is head over heels in love with Manav. Right from their compatibility quotient to a rocking sex life, everything was as good as a fairy tale
Couple in bedroom

till they shifted into their new home, only to realise that their enviable chemistry was gradually losing its fizz.

In the serene ambience of their new habitat, the once compatible twosome found their mushy pillow talks and heightened sexual escapades being replaced with a grave like stillness. They finally consulted Vastu experts who pointed out that love nest wasn't an ideal comfort zone for them as per the laws of Vastushastra .

Enjoying a satisfying relationship (mentally and sexually) involves far more than a great sexual prowess and understanding between the partners. Even external factors, including your home, have the potency to create unnecessary chaos in your love life, irrespective of your compatibility quotient.

So here we explore Vastushastra , the magical science of interiors, to make your bedroom conducive for a physically, mentally and most importantly sexually gratifying life.

Expert speak: Vikram, a Vastu consultant, puts forward the significance of embracing Vastu in one's bedroom. Directions play a major role in creating an aura of passion, tranquility and rest, which are very important for your love life to go smoothly. With a few minor changes in your bedroom's decor, a couple can perfectly harmonise the universal life force and promote the flow of warm and sensual energies. The changes would depend on the favourable and unfavourable directions and the elements related to them.

Another Vastu consultant, Dr. Puneet Sharma, elucidates on the various aspects of our personal lives that can be greatly improved by Vastu , which is a science that reforms the external influences to bring a positive change in a person's life, including his relationship with the spouse, power of conception and even progeny. It also facilitates a healthy, calm and relaxed state of mind. For example, even Hindu religious scriptures consider the North-easterly direction as unsuitable for conception. Communion in this direction can result in anything from a miscarriage to a mentally retarded or a physically unfit off spring as opposed to the South-west direction which is ideal for conception.

Besides experimenting with the bedroom's direction, Vastushastra also heralds the importance of creating a constant aura of peace and tranquility at a holistic level. Rakesh Chawla from the Institute of Vastukala explains, "The bedroom is linked with the intimacy of a loving relationship. A cluttered bedroom increases the probability of you and your partner being exhausted most of the time, leaving no time for a sensual union. If you do not keep it clean at both visible and invisible levels, then you will feel that you are getting churlish and loosing sleep"

Interestingly, not just its directions, but also the decorative items placed in the bedroom, including artifacts, paintings, mirrors, statues etc. have a direct bearing on your life. For example, an aromatic candle kept in the South-east direction adds to the excitement level. On the same lines, the incorrect placement of a mirror in the bedroom induces the feeling of infidelity in either of the two partners. Similarly, a couple of love birds or doves on the bed rest inculcate feelings of togetherness.
If the above mentioned gyaan has set you revamping your bedroom, here are some quick tips:
Direction wise:
House: The North-East, North, South-West and South are the best directions for a house to be located at to ensure compatibility between couples as all kinds of positive energies rest here.

Bedroom: A bedroom located in the South-West direction of the home is considered the best, as it is the direction of the Earth element, which promotes love and bonding. Also, due to the fact that the Sun sets in this direction, it ensures sound sleep. A bedroom should always be in a square or rectangular shape and its Eastern corner should be kept clutter free and open.

Avoidables: South-East is an absolute no-no as it can lead to friction, fights and even impotency in the partner. The North-East is a high-energy direction, due to the presence of the fire element making it an ideal place for spiritual activities. Leading a marital life in God's abode is considered as an offence. The North West direction is the zone of the vayu (air) element, which can promote confusion, double mindedness and even an extra-marital affair in some cases.

Bed: The ideal place for the bed is the South-West direction of your bedroom. It is advised to have a wall behind the head rest, rather than an open window as it interrupts sound sleep while a steady wall promotes a sense of security. Avoid placing your bed between two doors as it can lead to restlessness in your lives.

Communion: The North-East direction is not at all suitable for conception, while the South-West direction is considered to be the best.

Decor wise:
Lighting: Lights play an important role in influencing your mood and thereby affecting your sex life. So, avoid any kinds of glaring lights in the bedroom as it can act as an irritant. Arrange for some soothing light fixtures to create a warm atmosphere.

Colours: Yes, red is the colour of passion and love, hence, it as an ideal hue to be incorporated in your bedroom. But, to a certain extent, too much of red can enforce irritability and anger between the partners. The walls can be painted in light hues, though the ideal combination for a bedroom is a green base with a turquoise tinge, which can be brought in by having your upholstery in that particular shade.

The stability of blue, the energy of red comes together in purple, which is the colour of emotion. Use this colour if you are looking forward to a long lasting and highly satiating love making session. Also, the bed sheets and bedcovers can be in blue as it is the colour of Venus, the God of love. Avoid black and grey, while yellow and pink are good options, especially during the first five years of a marriage.

Pictures: Beautiful pictures of couples are great sources for feelings of togetherness. However, paintings of war, incomplete human or animal forms, scavengers etc. can inculcate negative energies, hence they should be avoided.
Mirrors: Be it for decoration or a utility purpose, a mirror should not be placed opposite to the foot of the bed, particularly while you
you are sleeping. It can encourage arguments and feelings of infidelity due to a split in the energy.
Though looking at your self in the mirror while having sex can be rejuvenating. So, the moment you decide to sleep, just move the mirror or cover it with a curtain.
Flowers: Fresh flowers, especially roses are great mood boosters, so go ahead and let them create the magic for you.
Candles: Placing an aromatic candle in the South-East direction allows love energies to flow in.
Do's & Don't's
  1. Keeping fruits like grapes and pomegranate into the bedroom can add to the stimulus of love.
  2. Chinese signs called Mystic knots work well to pep up your sex life, when placed in the South-West direction.
  3. Avoid any beam/column in the ceiling just above your bed as it sucks out the energy. One way for "lifting" this effect energetically is to hang bells from beams or slanted ceilings. If not, they can also be de-energised by special energy shields.
  4. Avoid keeping any source of water near the head of the bed. Be it a glass full of water or a painting of water fall...all kinds of water-y things should be kept away.
  5. The bedroom should be used only for the purpose it is meant for. Keep all other activities away from it.
  6. All of us store different energies inside us. So don't welcome any stranger in your bedroom as it is a private place and can be easily affected by the stranger's negative or diseased energies.
  7. Don't keep any pickle or sour thing in the bedroom.
  8. Pointed and sharp edged objects like a knife, scissors etc. should be kept away from the bedroom to make it conducive for the purpose it is meant for. Source:timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tips to Boost bedroom pleasures

During the initial stages of a relationship. when the two parties involved are just about getting to discover each other, it is usually not such a
Couple in bedroom

problem when it comes to having an exciting time in the bedroom.

But, as you get familiar with each other's bodies, the sex can get slightly monotonous and in some cases the sizzle is completely lost. However, this does not mean it's the end of your sex life or that you can't reignite the passion.

Read on for tips on how you can add some serious spice to your love life:

Just met
Pretend you and your partner have just met each other. Put yourself in a stranger's shoes and view your partner from a new perspective. This will help you realise that he or she is still very appealing. If he or she is still getting the look from a complete stranger, it means they still have the spark.

On your part you need to find it again. In fact, let him or her in on the role playing as well. The two of you should play a little game whereby you pretend to be strangers and it's all you need to get that added excitement.

Tease please
Nothing turns on a man or woman more than teasing them. This does not mean you get snide, it means you get playfully flirtatious. For example, you could sneak in little kisses or flirt with your partner while he or she is leaving for the office or do it in public where they know you're flirting with them, but can't do anything about it.

The advantage of this is, they know what you have in mind and because you were teasing him or her about it, once you are alone with them, they'll work the magic.
The mood
If you're in the mood to make love, do it. What happens often is that even though people might crave being with their partner , they avoid doing so because they might be busy or they feel inhibited. But the truth is, if you feel like it, go get it!

Surprise your partner one day and steal him or her away from their duties for an hour or so. In fact, they might enjoy it so much that they would want a repeat performance once they get home.
Use technology The internet and today's fast paced world has helped people in every aspect of their life. So use it to spice up your sex.
life as well. You can send him or her explicit text messages or emails. However, keep it graceful; there is a thin line between sexy and vulgar and you need to be sexy not the latter.
The email or message will be playing on your partner's mind the entire day and by the time they see you, it will be very hard for him or her to keep their hands off you.
Forget real life

If both you and your partner are always too busy for each other because of your work, take a break. Yes, work is a priority but you need to balance things in life. Take a weekend off and go to a place where the two of you can forget all about real life and just focus on reigniting your bedroom passion.
Once the weekend is over you can return to your responsibilities, but you probably won't mind so much because of the fabulous weekend you had.

If you have never done anything naughty with your partner, start now. Surprise him or her with a special dance (if you do know how to shake those hips), or in the case of women go buy some seriously suggestive lingerie. Your partner will not be able to resist.

One sure way to have a memorable sexual experience is to let go of all inhibitions. Tell your partner you are at their mercy and allow him or her to do whatever they would like to you (as long as nobody is getting hurt).
It will not only help you in the bedroom but once all inhibitions are gone and dealt with, even your relationship will improve. Source:timesofindia.indiatimes.com

What women don't want before sex ?

Most women have a long list of 'don'ts' that they want their man to know. So, instead of second guessing, just read this list and read her mind the
next time you both are getting intimate.

Sloppy music
Music is the clincher as you get set to hit the sack. As you turn down the lights and turn on a little mood music, choose what you are making your gal listen to carefully. What you play may be an indication about
where the night is headed. Avoid anything too girly (Madonna, Avril Lavigne, Miley Cyrus) and do not play music with clear sexual overtones ("Let's Get It On," "Sexual Healing," "I Wanna Sex You Up").

Turn off the phone
Have you ever answered a call mid-way during sex and lived to regret it? Turn your phone off while getting intimate with your lady love. Interruptions can really put a damper on your sexual tempo, and if it is your mom calling, your girl is probably putting on her jacket and getting ready to leave.

Groping is out
Well, even though you might want to lay your hands on your gal, be recommend you exercise caution. Grabbing her boobs, pinching her ass or ripping open her clothes is a big turn off. Moving randomly from
body part to body part is thoroughly confusing and never gives your girl a chance to get into the mood. Move slowly from one body part to the next -- lightly caressing first, then with increased passion.

Most women have clearly defined limits, before the date about just how how far she is willing to go, but men can change their minds. At the end of the evening, give her a passionate kiss to sweep her off her feet. This is when she may just reconsider going home with you. If she still isn't interested and expresses a clear discontent, do not whine or beg. If you beg, you will never get a second chance --ever.

Being in a hurry
Women take a lot of time to feel sexually into the moment. Most women loved being kissed, touched, caressed, and more than two minutes to reach the big O. So take time to focus on her. If you aren't satisfying her, she could get frustrated (or bored) and call it a night.

Don't keep looking at the watch
It takes time to get a woman going. She needs kissing, touching, caressing, and more than two minutes to reach orgasm. If you have moved past the make-out stage and the clothes are coming off, take time to focus on her. If you aren't satisfying her needs, your gal may just get frustrated and bored and call it a night.

Sloppy kissing
It doesn't matter how hot a dude is, if he can't kiss well, he ain't getting past first base. When you lean in for the first end-of-the-date smooch, remember to control your tongue. Don't unnecessarily lick her teeth, chin, cheeks, forehead, etc., and try not to stick it down her throat. It's a major turn off for women. Also, ensure you have pleasant breath, bad breath sucks!

Dull conversation
All women dig compliments, but too many "Oh babys" can mar her mood. Going over-the-top with banter is a clear sign that the conversation is fake and forced. Concentrate on being your natural self. If things are really becoming passionate, don't ask unnecessary questions: "Do you like it when I kiss you?" "Does my hand feel good on your body?" Her responses will tell you if you are impressing her enough.

Keep your hands off when she's not in the mood
Women get turned off by men who can't keep their hands off them. Do not hand her a glass of wine, turn on some music, lower the lights and then stick your hand in her pants. You'll just be regarded as a horny dude!

Asking for permission
Most girls like a man who loves taking charge, so when you ask for permission every step of the way you come across as a weak wimp. Asking her "May I please kiss you?" at the end of a date, or "Are you
OK?" when kissing is a major dampner. Rather analyse the situation; if she's really into it, be a man and take the plunge. Source:timesofindia.indiatimes.com

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Adult Story - Sex with sister

She was alone in the house and enjoying her
bath. The shower was soothing.
Prakash, her younger brother, was six years younger than her. He
looked at her tits like he wanted to eat them. Her hands crawled all
over her wet, naked flesh. She cupped her firm tits and pinched her
nipples. Both hands trailed down to her crotch. The fingers of one
hand slipped between the parted lips of her cunt. With her other
hand she fingered her swollen clit.
She slowly finger-fucked herself. She had an incredibly narrow waist
and flat stomach, which accentuated her hips, and the jutting round
globes of her perfectly shaped tits.
She gasped frantically as her hands worked to bring herself to a
climax. But now she knew she couldn't stop herself. Her back
arched, and her hips bucked frantically. She probed her pussy with
two fingers, pinching her clit at the same time with her other hand.
She knew she was just seconds away from climax.
Moaning and mewling hysterically, she suddenly felt like she wasn't
alone. Realizing that she had not closed the door to the bathroom,
thinking she was home alone, she glanced over and saw her younger
brother Prakash in the doorway, staring at her naked body.
All the sexual arousal quickly drained out of her body. She hid her
breasts and the crotch with her hands, trying to hide her nakedness
from him. But that left a lot of the bulging flesh of the full and
her rather ample oversized breasts outside the palms and most of the
area of the crotch except the cunt exposed.
"Prakash, what are you doing here!" she shouted at him, moving her
palm to cover her tits fully with her hands. "Don't you believe in
seeing if there is someone inside before you come in?"
Prakash grinned sheepishly. He looked down at his feet.
"I ... I couldn't help it," he said. "You look sexy, Alka."
"You shouldn't even be looking at me!" she yelled, enraged at
him. "I'm your own sister!"
Prakash couldn't stop starting at her. His eyes darted over her wet
thighs. In the excitement she did not notice that the palm covering
her cunt had exposed a portion of the patch of her bush. The task of
covering both the breasts was even more difficult and all that she
could manage was just to cover the two nipples and leave the rest of
the breasts to his gaze. Looking at the bush and the breasts made
him hard. She knew that it was useless to try to cover her breast
and the cunt. So she turned around. That was even worse because her
ass, which was her best asset, was for him to see, ass and the crack
between the cheeks and all. She gave up and turned around still
covering just the two nipples and a portion of the bush.
By now Prakash had come in and was standing in front of the towel
rod on which she had hung the towel. As she faced him, Alka could
see the lump in his crotch. He had a hard-on.
"What's happening here?" She asked herself. "We aren't supposed to
be feeling this way. He's my own brother. Why should I feel this
way just because he's staring at my naked body?" But Alka couldn't
deny the strange feeling in her pussy that seemed to be caused by
her younger brother's stares.
"You act like you've never seen a woman's body naked before," she
said to him softly. The anger had vanished. And she was surprised to
hear how coy, even seductive, her own voice sounded. It was almost
as if she was teasing him. Prakash was blushing.
"I haven't," he said shyly. "I mean, not a real woman. Only
pictures, movies."
Suddenly Alka's sisterly warmth for him began to come out. She sat
up on the feet high wall in the middle of the bath area and extended
her arms toward him. Her wet body was covered with soft bubbles.
"Prakash, you should've told me," she said. "I didn't mean to shout
at you like that. Come here. Let me give you a hug."
Slowly her brother came over to the wall, still blushing. He got
down on his knees. Alka put her arms around him. He moved to between
her outstretched thighs.
"What am I doing?" she wondered. "This is wild and exciting, but we
shouldn't be doing it at all!"
"Oh, I'm going to get you all wet," she said, pretending to draw
But Prakash's hands caught her naked back and wouldn't let her move
away. Alka's lips were just inches from his cheek.
"It's okay," he said in a hoarse voice. "I don't mind."
"Prakash, you're staring at my tits. I would have pushed you out if
I had known that you would be string at my bare breasts."
She knew that he knew that it was a lie. She made no effort to cover
her breasts or the cunt.
"I can't help it, Alka. I just want to keep looking at them."
"If I let you touch them, will you be satisfied and stop staring and
go away and let me finish my bath?"
"Okay just touch them. But don't do anything more with my breasts."
Slowly, his hands came around her body to her tits. Her firm young
tit globes were wet and covered with bubbles, but he cupped them
anyway, and squeezed them gently. Alka felt waves of sexual arousal
flow through her body.
"Now go away. Let me finish my bath."
"You did not say how long you will let me touch them. Please Alka
let me touch them a little longer."
"Okay. But then you should go away."
"I promise."
She looked down at his hands over her breasts. It was just too much
to let her own brother touch her breasts.
"It is firm but at the same time soft," he said as if he had made a
discovery. He pressed the breasts and watched it as it regained the
shape as he took his fingers away. Nobody had played with her
breasts as Prakash was doing now. He was like a child playing with a
costly toy under the supervision of an elder. The pressure on her
breasts was getting more and more.
"Tell me if what I am doing is uncomfortable or if they hurt."
"They don't. But you have to stop now. I have to finish my bath."
"Are they always hard like this?" he asked strumming her already
hardened nipples.
"No. they get hard only when I am sexually aroused."
"Like when someone sucks them?" he looked at her.
"That's no way to talk to your elder sister."
"Tell me."
He rolled the nipples between the thumb and the fore finger and
pulled it gently.
"I once saw you and Raj in the backseat of the car. I think he had
come to drop you after the second show. You kept telling him you
won't let him do anything but in the end he made you do what he
"We never did it in the house, not even in the car."
"You shagged him that day. He was fingering you all the time."
"You really are a lecher. You are not supposed to peep on your
"I am sorry. But I have a confession to make."
"I wasn't alone that day. We were smoking in the garage and that's
when we saw the car coming."
"Don't tell me that you let someone watch me shagging a guy's cock.
And who was with you that day?"
"My friend Kishore."
"How can you let him watch your sister? No wonder he is always
staring at me these days."
She was panicking now.
"Don't worry. How can I tell him that he can't watch you when we spy
on his sister nearly every day?"
The story as getting curious.
"I thought her husband is away in Dubai."
"Yes. But he is not the only male in Hyderabad."
"You mean that she has a secret lover?" she asked, the curiosity
very prominent now.
He continued to squeeze her breasts as they talked. She was enjoying
the sensation.
"You will have to stop playing with my boobs sometime now. I have to
finish my bath and our parents may also come anytime now."
He continued to squeeze the breasts.
"Tell me abut his sister."
"I told you everything. They meet everyday at the same time when her
mother sleeps and the father is away at the hop. She doesn't let him
come to her house for far of getting caught. Their house is next to
her parents'"
"Do they fuck everyday?"
"Yes, many times a day."
"How long each day?"
"May be n hour. He delays it when he is about to cum and then
resumes it. They do it for a long time every time."
"Lucky bitch. She must be a very horny woman.
"They have become hard and darker now." He pointed to her nipples.
It was true that the aureoles around the nipples had puckered and
become dark. Her nipples were pale brown. Now they were a shade
"They look so suckable."
"Don even think of sucking my nipples," she tried pushing him away.
Before she knew it, Prakash was bending his head to them. She felt
his mouth, just before it fastened on one of her nipples and sucked
sharply, soap bubbles and all.
"Ahhhhhh!" she gasped with pleasure and surprise.
"Oh, Prakash!"
Her brother attacked her tingling tit as if he was afraid it would
escape. Alka arched her back, pushing the firm tit flesh into his
face. Her nipple sprang erect inside his mouth.
"Prakash, it's got soap all over it!" she whispered.
"I don't care," he gasped.
But Alka pulled back.
"At least let me wash off the soap."
She smiled, pouring water all over her tits.
The sight of the water cascading over her beautiful naked tits was
more than her brother could take. He grasped them in both hands and
began sucking her nipples wildly. Alka moaned softly with pleasure,
digging her fingers into his scalp.
"Oh God, Prakash, yes, suck them, suck them hard! Please! Ohhhhhh!"
She couldn't believe how exciting it was to have him so passionately
sucking and gnawing her throbbing tits. He was trying to swallow
them. The sensations nearly sent Alka over the edge. She was
moaning uncontrollably before she knew it. Her body squirmed and
splashed water all over her brother. But nothing could stop him from
squeezing and sucking her tits and biting her nipples until she was
nearly insane with lust.
"Ohhhnnnn, Prakash, you're driving me crazy!" she panted.
"Me too," he said.
Just then they heard the noise of an approaching car and the sound
of the gate being opened. The bathroom was in the front of the house
on the first floor. Prakash went to the ventilator and peeped.
"Shit, its tem. Let me get out."
He went to Alka and hugged her and suddenly kissed her full on the
"You have to go now." She pushed him.
"Let me kiss you before I go."
He put his lips on hers and kissed. Suddenly she opened her lips ad
waited. He put his tongue inside her mouth. She was more experienced
than him. She immediately sucked his tongue and pushed him away.
"I am sorry but you have to go now."

Aduly Story - Shalini and her unmarried sister in law

I took some
risk in letting your friend come here. Your parents will kill me if
they know. You have to keep it a secret," Shalini said.
"You think we will tell them when they come back? Don't be stupid,"
Jyotsana winked at her.
Tilak did not say anything. He just said, "Bye," to both of them and
walked away.
"What's wrong? You look sad," Shalini said. "Did you have a fight
with him?"
"Oh, no. It isn't that," Jyotsana sighed. The girl looked
thoughtful, as if contemplating how much she should confide in her
Bhabi. "It's our parents. They won't let me go out like others." she
"They are made that way. You can't change them now," Shalini said.
"I have so much more to cover before the weekend. If I do it alone I
can't complete it. I need to do a whole night study and there is no
way that I can ask Tilak to teach me," Jyotsana looked at Shalini.
"Tilak does not mind, but I can't ask him to come here tomorrow
because he has some work."
"How frustrating for you," Shalini sympathized.
"I think even you don't trust us alone, do you?" asked Jyotsana. "I
wish we had a place to go where we could be alone together and
study," Jyotsana said.
And that gave Shalini an idea.
"Would you like to call him over here today?" she asked. "If you'd
like to call him here, you're more than welcome to call him here."
"Really Bhabi? That would be great if you don't mind," Jyotsana said.
"I certainly don't. But your mother and your brother will kill me if
they get to know about this," said Shalini and walked to the bedroom
that they had been using.
"Why don't you stay here while I change and come?" asked Jyotsana.
Shalini did not reply and she just walked to the bedroom. She
relaxed on the bed and said, "There is some funny smell here," and
looked around the room. "What were you both eating here?" she asked.
Jyotsana was getting worried because there were some stains on the
bed. She had let Tilak finger fuck her and cum a lot while he had
come on her hand which had dripped on the bed. Luckily Shalini was
on the spot where he had come.
"You are not wearing your bra. And some hooks are undone, Jyotsana
pointed out.
"I was about to go for a bath when you came in. anyway Tilak was
just about to leave," said Jyotsana.
"I hope you were not planning to have a bath with him. Did I
interrupt you?" asked Shalini winking at Jyotsana.
"No. I was not planning to do it. But I would not mind asking him to
wash my back if you let us do it when he comes here," Jyotsana said
winking back.
"Bhabi why don't you let him spend the night here? After all you
are here to supervise us in case he tries something," Jyotsana asked.
Jyotsana had started to glow with anticipation, and she and Shalini
looked at each other like conspirators. Jyotsana didn't wait for the
answer and ran to the gate and looked down the street, thinking that
she should call Tilak back and tell him the good news, but the boy
was already out of sight.
"I'll phone him," the girl said.
"I'm always glad to help young people get some privacy, especially
when it comes to studies," Shalini replied.
Jyotsana blushed prettily.
"I am sure that when you were in college you also did combined
study. Am I correct?" asked Jyotsana.
Shalini was silent. She had not expected Jyotsana to ask her such a
direct answer.
"First tell me about you. How many have you done this with? I mean
what you and Tilak are planning to do now. I mean combined study all
night." She looked at Jyotsana as she asked her.
"I have done combined study with three till now. But only with one I
have studied seriously. With Tilak I have not studied fully. Do you
get what I mean?" asked Jyotsana.
"I get it. Do you mind if I am also there when you study together? I
mean would you mind if I see how you study? I like watching people
"No. I don't think I would mind. I studied once with my friend in
the same room because we were in an excursion and two of us shared
the same room. But Tilak is a shy type. I don't know how he will
react. Do you want to join us?"
"No. I won't join. It's your day and I will just be there. I will
see that Tilak is not shy. Leave it to me. Call him and tell him
that I agreed but won't let you both alone because I am scared that
he will take advantage of you."
Just then the door bell rang and the servant entered.
"We are getting something from outside for dinner. So just wash the
vessels and you can go," Shalini told the servant.
"Amma, one of my relatives is unwell. I have to go and see him
tomorrow morning. Can I take leave tomorrow?" asked the servant.
"Okay. We are just two of us. We will manage," said Shalini.
She looked at Jyotsana and said, "Why don't you call your friend and
ask her not to go home but come back. She can stay here. Tell her
that you both can study all night."
They spoke in English so that the servant would not understand.
Jyotsana called Tilak and asked him to hang around there and wait
for the call. She explained the arrangement telling him that she had
somehow convinced Shalini to let them study here. He said something
on the other side to which Jyotsana replied," We will some how
manage that after she sleeps. She won't let us be alone. But she is
a sound sleeper. She won't wake up even if there is an earth quake.
We will manage something. Even if she catches us, it will be okay.
She can't tell my brother that she let us sleep together when we
promised that you won't grab me."
Shalini said, "Let me have a wash."
She finished her bath and came out in a robe.
"Why don't you call him now? I don't want the neighbours looking at
him coming after it gets late."
Jyotsana called Tilak and asked him to come now. She put the phone
down and said," He will be here in half an hour. He says he has to
collect something from a friend. I will have a bath too. I am really
a mess there now. Bhabi I need to use your hair remover. I will do
it in half an hour. Anyway he will take that long. I will be here
before his arrival."
Jyotsana went to her bathroom. Shalini arranged the things that were
on the centre table. She heard the noise of the front gate being
opened. She went to the window and looked. It was Tilak. Shalini
suddenly had an idea. Jyotsana won't be able to come out now since
she would be removing the hair. She always used the hair remover
which means that it would be half an hour at least before she comes
out. Shalini rushed to the bath room and removed the robe. Tilak
rang the bell. She pulled on a white thin petticoat which clung to
her body and slung a thin towel which she normally used to tie her
hair after a bath on her shoulders. The towel and the petticoat were
somewhat wet and clung to her thighs and her breasts. She was not
fully satisfied and she splashed some more water on them. Now they
were like a second skin. She wiped the excess water with another
towel. Tilak rang the bell again. She looked at the mirror. The
towel barely covered her full breasts. She pushed the towel aside
and exposed one breast out and looked down and saw that the thin
fabric of the petticoat showed her thighs and the ass. She took a
vessel containing milk and put it on the stove and let it heat in a
slow flame. The milk was really cold and it would take more than
half an hour to boil.
She opened the door yelling, "Can't you wait?"
Tilak looked at her and went dumb. Shalini's left breast was bare
and the petticoat showed her thighs.
"I am sorry. I thought it was the servant. I was in the bathroom.
Please come in. Jyotsana said that you will be here in half an hour.
I didn't expect you so soon."
She pretended that she was unaware that her left breast was bare.
"My friend was not there when I called his home. So I started
walking to here. I saw an auto and took it. That's how I came here
Shalini kept looking towards the kitchen. "I have put the milk to
boil. I have to wait till it is done. I hope you don't mind my being
here till then."
"I can look after the milk. You can go and change if you want," he
volunteered and immediately was scared that she may go away.
"It's okay. I have to dry my hair too."
She went and stood under the fan and lifted her hands to release the
hair so that it would dry faster. Although her breasts were now
covered, Tilak could see the sides of her breasts as she lifted
strands of hair to let them dry. Her hair was wet. So the front of
her towel kept getting transparent as she shifted the hair all over.
The breasts were very firm and much bigger than Jyotsana's breasts.
Tilak shifted his gaze to her thighs and the area of her cunt. He
could see that the she was clean shaven and the cloth stuck to her
crotch. He could not however see the details of her cunt. In the
process of arranging her hair, the towel again got shifted and the
right breast was now bare. He could see the honey coloured nipples.
He was stealing glances at her. Shalini wanted him to look at her
without fear.
"So is this the first time you are doing combined study with
Jyotsana?" she asked.
"Yes. We had planned it earlier but she could not convince her
parents to let me come home."
"Jyotsana told me that you have a girl friend. Won't your girl
friend get angry if she knows that you spent the night here with
both of us all alone?"
"She does not have to know. And we don't plan letting her know."
"You are really smart. Don't ever let her know. Even though you are
here for studying, people won't believe that you spent a whole night
with two girls and just studied. At least I am married and that
makes me less desirable. But Jyotsana is not."
"Why would you be less desirable? If you don't mind my saying this,
I think you look exactly like a student. If you had not been married
I would have fallen for you."
"You are saying it just to make me happy because I let you come
here," said Shalini.
"I am serious. You are very sexy. You don't mind me saying that do
you?" asked Tilak.
"It's okay. But only if you are true."
Shalini now was using the comb to tidy her hair which was nearly dry
now. She sat on a sofa opposite to Tilak and started combing her
hair. Tilak was looking at her as she combed her hair. She had
covered her breasts with the towel but they jiggled under the thin
wet towel as she continued combing her hair. As before, the sides of
her both breasts were exposed to him.
"Do you get to spend a lot of time with your girl friend?" asked
"Not really. But we manage to meet at least once a week in my
friend's room. But it is not enough," said Tilak.
"I know. It must be very frustrating when you have someone but don't
have a place," winked Shalini. "Is she very sexy?"
"Yes. She is big," said Tilak looking at Shalini's breasts which he
was now openly staring.
"Do you like them big?" asked Shalini.
"Yes. I love them when they are big and I can't help staring them
when I see a sexy pair of breasts."
"I know," she said as she looked at him watching her partially
exposed breasts. She looked down and noticed that the breasts were
partially bared. She looked up at Tilak and saw that he was staring
at her breasts. She did not cover them now. They just stared at each
"You really love breasts don't you?"
"Will Jyotsana get wild if you looked at someone's breasts?"
"Why should she? She wont I think."
"Will Jyotsana come here now?" he asked almost in a whisper.
"Are you scared?" she asked him.
The comb slipped off her hand. She bent down from the chair to pick
up the comb. As she bent down the towel slipped away from her
breasts and her breasts hung provocatively. The comb had fallen a
little away from the sofa. She bent down and reached towards the
comb pretending as if it was difficult. Tilak had his eyes fixed on
her breasts. The breasts were capped by light brown coloured
nipples which were hard and pointed. The brown circles around them
were a shade lighter. They were full and firm. The towel totally
slipped from her shoulders and fell down on the floor. Shalini could
have just grabbed the towel and put it back on her shoulders.
Instead she got up from the chair and stood up. She had only the
petticoat on her. She was bare waist upwards. She walked to where
the comb and the towel were on the floor which was just two feet
"I am clumsy at times," she said as she picked up the comb and stood
up and placed it on the centre table. Then she bent down and picked
up the towel and flung it over her shoulders.
"I must get dressed now," said Shalini. "Jyotsana will be here any
"I wish you stayed here some more."
"I know," she said. "May be I will stay a little longer. Even if
Jyotsana comes down she won't min will she?"
As they spoke now, she pushed the towel aside and combed for some
more time and let him look at her breasts. She let him see one
breast first and then the other one.
Then she went near him and stood just a feet away from him and
whispered, "You know that I will be there al the time with you,
don't you?"
"Yes. Jyotsana told me. Let us get to know each other even better
than now," he said getting up and standing before her. He had a
massive erection and did nothing to hide it. Shalini looked down and
then at him.
They just remained silent.
"I must really go now," she said.
"I hope you let me get to know you better in the night," he said
looking at the breast which she had bared completely. He was not
even looking at her face as he spoke. He just stared at the breasts
"Promise. I really have to go now," her voice was now a whisper. She
was looking at his crotch.
She went to her room which was the room where Tilak and Jyotsana had
spent the afternoon. She contemplated about what she should wear.
Ultimately she decided on a nightie which came to her mid thigh. The
neck was really cut low and exposed the upper half of the breasts.
It had buttons in the front. She decided against wearing a bra and
panty. She tried walking towards the mirror and saw that the breasts
jiggled. She wore a housecoat over the nightie and walked to the
hall and found Tilak sitting there with a bored expression. He was
disappointed to see Shalini dressed so covered up.
"So you did not tell me about your girl friend," said Shalini.
"You never asked me anything," said Tilak.
"Was she your first?" asked Shalini.
"No. She was not my first. May I ask you something also?" asked
"You may ask. But I may not answer all the questions. Remember that
I am married and married people do not always talk frankly about
their past."
"You somehow do not strike as someone who would have been without a
boy friend before marriage. Don't ask me why I think so. May be it's
because of the irresistible looks that you have. In case I am wrong
say no. otherwise just be silent."
Shalini remained silent and smiled at him.
"I understand," said Tilak who also was smiling now.
Just then Jyotsana walked in. "Did you come long back?" she asked.
It was nearly more than half an hour that he was here.
"May be I came back five minutes back. I did not note the time. But
that friend of mine made me wait a lot. I am sorry if I made you
wait," said Tilak.
"I thought I made you wait," said Jyotsana.
Tilak looked at Shalini and she understood that she was to stand by
the story that he had come five minutes back. Jyotsana was dressed
in a plain loose fitting sleeveless vest that came to the bottom of
her breasts. The openings for the arms were wide and big and it
showed a lot of breasts from the side. It was obvious that she wore
no bra under the vest. Her nipples poked under the vest. She wore a
skirt that came to her knees.
Shalini asked Jyotsana, "Won't you offer him something to drink?"
"He likes to drink. Whenever we go on picnics I have seen him
enjoying the drinks. But that's out of the question I guess", said
"Do you also drink and like to drink?" Shalini asked Jyotsana.
"I have had drinks only twice before. I don't even know what it was.
Many of the girls had something to drink that day. I did not like
the taste but today I feel like having some for fun. What about you
Bhabi? " asked Jyotsana.
"I also have had something to drink in some parties at my friend's
place. But it was more for fun. But I have never had something to
drink in a small group like what we have now. I would like to
experiment today but we have nothing at home and it is late for
Tilak to go and get something. I won't deny that I feel adventurous
today," said Shalini.
"Bhabi, we won't get another chance like today. There is no one at
home. The maid also won't come tomorrow. And Tilak is dependable.
Let's try it today," Jyotsana was now pleading.
Tilak stood up and said, "Bhabi, I will sneak out and get some thing
and come. What Jyotsana says is true. You will never get a chance to
be naughty again. I will come back in hardly five minutes. There is
a liquor shop just a few yards away. I don't think that there is
someone waiting to spy on your house. If it's okay with you I will
get some soda and whisky."
Shalini nodded and went inside. She came back with two five hundred
rupee notes.
"Buy something nice."
Tilak took the money and asked for a bag. Shalini gave him a bag.
Tilak went away.
"I feel like I am a student again. I never thought that I would end
up letting you bring Tilak home and let him stay all night. It makes
me feel very young again having something to drink and that too like
some teenager. I suddenly realize what I have been missing this one
year. If your brother or your parents get an idea of what we did
today, that is the end of my marriage. I hope Tilak can be trusted,"
said Shalini.
"I trust him fully Bhabi. He even told me about how he saw his
sister got screwed by her husband's friend. If he shares such
secrets with me, you know how close we are," assured Jyotsana.
"Let us get something to eat. There are enough things in the fridge.
We will micro wave the food. But I need to cook some rice," said
"Relax and sit down. I will do it later," said Jyotsana.
"It will be a hassle later. Put some rice in the rice cooker. I
don't want to start cooking then," said Shalini.
Jyotsana got up and went inside the kitchen. Shalini opened the
front window and looked at the gate. She was worried that someone
would see Tilak. But she realized that she was unduly paranoid
because it was just early in the evening and no one would really
care if someone walked home. She heard the gate open and saw Tilak
walk in and close the gate. He walked in.
Shalini closed the door and bolted it. Jyotsana came out from the
kitchen and asked him what he had brought. He put the sodas and the
bottle of whisky on the centre table.
"I don't normally get to drink good scotch but if I get it free like
today I enjoy it," he smiled.
He gave the change to Shalini.
"Let us move over to the bedroom. I don't want someone surprising us
here. We will lock the bedroom door. Otherwise the smell will drift
to the drawing room if by chance we get some unwelcome guests," she
Tilak and Jyotsana carried the centre table to the bedroom and
placed it besides the bed. When he came back for some chairs,
Shalini told him," let us sit on the bed. It is just the three of
us. We don't have to be formal."
They walked to the bedroom. Jyotsana asked Shalini, "Bhabi why don't
give Tilak something comfortable to wear."
"I am comfortable," he said.
Shalini opened the cupboard and took out a pajama and a lungi. "What
do you prefer?" she asked.
Jyotsana took the lungi and gave it to him and pushed him to the
bathroom. He came out holding the jeans. Shalini sat on the bed.
Jyotsana asked her, "Bhabi why don't you get into something more
She came closer and opened the house coat and saw that she was
wearing a nightie inside.
"If I were you, I would just wear the nightie. It's just me and
Tilak," she said.
Shalini unbuttoned the house coat and removed it and threw it away.
She looked very sexy in the nightie. The upper half of her breasts
shone in the bright light. The thighs were neither fat nor lean.
They were very fair and there was absolutely no sign of any blemish
on the exposed areas.
"I have never seen this nightie," Jyotsana said.
"I wear it only when we are alone in the room," said Shalini.
Tilak was serving the drinks in three glasses. Jyotsana said, "Don't
make us get drunk and take advantage of us."
"I have spiked your drinks and after taking two pegs, both of you
will be unconscious and I plan to ravish you," he laughed.
Tilak gave Shalini and Jyotsana their glasses and took one for him.
They clinked glasses giggling like school children.
"It will help you both open up," said Tilak.

Adult story - sexi Pallavi and Surekha

"Did you have a nice morning? What've you two been up to? You both
look ill," Rekha asked as soon as she saw them both.
Rekha's tone changed from polite conversation to motherly concern
for Pallavi and Surekha.
"Oh, nothing Rekha pinni. We were just playing, that's all. Here,
can we give you a hand with those bags?" Surekha tried to change
the topic, picking up the groceries from her aunt's arms.
"Thank you, Surekha." Rekha broke into a smile, her attractive face
beaming. She reached up to touch Surekha's forehead. "Are you sure
you aren't both catching flu and something? Your faces look so red.
What do you say Raghu? "
Raghu was the driver. He could have easily passed off as Rekha's
brother. He was twenty five and had joined them a few months back.
The children had taken an immediate liking for him.
"If I was in your place I would leave the girls alone and stop
fussing over them!"
Raghu's handsome face smiled as he easily lifted two overfilled
sacks in his arms.
"They're just having fun?" he fixed Pallavi with a playful glare,
holding the sacks up.
Laughing, Pallavi seconded him.
"Tell her that we are not children any more Raghu," said Surekha.
"Well..." Reluctantly, Rekha gave in.
A voluptuous woman in her mid-thirties, she was just about the most
beautiful woman Surekha had ever known. High lips gave her the
features of a magazine model, but she wasn't a bit slender like the
typical model. She was wearing a light cotton salwar kameez that
didn't do a thing to hide the curves of her body. She was voluptuous
and plump but not fat. Her tits jutted out enormously, and her hips
swayed with natural sensuality. The kameez clung to her body and the
summer heat had made it impossible for her to wear the chemise
inside the salwar. The bra could clearly be seen through the thin
fabric of the salwar. The neck was low and the bra had a design that
was visible as she bent down to count the number of bags that she
had got Raghu to unload from the back seat. She was not wearing the
dhuppatta. Her cleavage was deep and her tits spilled over her bra.
"All right then," Rekha said, unaware of her niece's scrutiny. "Just
don't overexert yourselves, all right? After all, Surekha's only
been here a few days! You both have the whole summer ahead so don't
try to do everything at once. Agreed?"
"Yes," Pallavi shrugged, keeping her expression perfectly innocent,
lugging more groceries up to the house.
The car was loaded with bags from their trip to the departmental
store. As the girls carried their first load in and rushed outside
to fetch more, Rekha started putting things away in the store room.
It was while she was re-stocking the shelves that Raghu came up
behind his boss's wife and slipped his hands about her waist.
"Send the kids to the store to return the wrong pack as we planned.
That will take a whole two hours. I've been waiting for a chance to
get you alone all this week."
At that moment Surekha returned with more packages. Fortunately for
Surekha, neither of them noticed her come, lost in their pleasures.
"Raghu are you mad? Someone may catch us doing this."
Rekha gave a shocked gasp as his hands slipped up to cup her ample
tits in a squeeze, lifting them up to test their weight. Rekha's
breasts were large and jutting.
She pushed him away, her cheeks going rosy. "Now stop that—do you
want them to see? Be nice!"
"Oh, I've got something very nice for you." Raghu lowered his voice
to a lustful murmur. His crotch was swelling, nudging into the folds
of her salwar dress until it pressed against her ass. "I've got lots
of nice things all stored up and waiting."
As if intending to carry out his threat he reached up and began to
unzip the back of her dress, easing the zipper down several inches.
Rekha's voice was a shocked hiss, but she couldn't hide the smile on
her lips as she turned about to face him.
His grin spread from ear to ear at her expression, and the way her
hips rolled just a bit to acknowledge the stiff bulge of cock
pressing against her crotch.
"Oh, all right, but you have to wait for them to go. See where they
As soon as she heard her aunt say that, Surekha hid herself behind
the store room door. It was risky but she had to risk that. They can
hardly accuse her of peeping in at them as the driver squeezed her
boobs. Raghu came and stood near the door and called out for them
one by one. Pallavi had gone to her room and Manohar was having a
Raghu went in and said, "They are out in their rooms. See how hard
my cock is."
He pulled his zip down and pulled his cock out from the confines of
his undie. It was really big, much bigger than Manohar's. Rekha just
bent down and took the cock in her hand and placed her lips on the
tip. She pulled the foreskin down exposing his red knob. She ran her
tongue on his knob and squeezed the cock. Fresh precum oozed out
from his cock. She took the drop in her finger and tasted it. Raghu
put his hand on her breasts and squeezed them. She knelt down and
took the cock in her hand. She again pulled the foreskin back and
ran her tongue on the knob and then rubbed his cock all over her
face. She kept squeezing the cock in a milking motion with her thumb
and the index finger. She ran his cock all over her face. She placed
it on her cheek and pressed it. She placed her lips around the knob
kissing it and then sucking it slowly. She inserted the cock in her
mouth. Surekha watched dumbstruck as slowly the whole cock
disappeared in her mouth. She released the cock slowly as if she was
pulling that enormous monster of a cock from her stomach. Surekha
had never seen anything like that even in the blue films. It was
like her aunt was worshipping his cock.
"We are both mad doing this. Stop it now." She whispered to Raghu
"I am not doing anything at all. It is you who is sucking my cock."
Rekha knew that he was correct. Raghu made her stand up and stand
with her ass facing him. He hiked up the kameez and said, "Here,
hold it."
She obeyed holding the kameez up. He reached up and unfastened the
bra hook and pushed the bra cup up exposing her breasts. Her breasts
were enormous and they hung like two balls stuck to her torso. They
did not look like it belonged to someone who had a daughter and son
who were sixteen and fifteen. He pulled her salwar down along with
the panty. She bent down as if they knew what they were doing. She
bent down holding the shelf before her. She widened her legs. He
bent down and kissed her ass cheeks. Then he kneaded them spreading
the ass cheeks. He licked her ass crack.
"You are so salty there. I love the taste of your sweat from the ass
"You are the only one who admits the love for sweat from the ass
crack. That's why I can never say no to you."
"I love fucking this cheating married woman."
He licked her ass crack all the way up from her clit and the cunt to
her ass hole repeating the action all over again and again and again.
At the same time he played with her breasts kneading them and
pulling her nipples.
They were dirty and repulsive. Yet in a way they were more erotic
than anything she had known.
"Raghu, please stop his. I beg you. I can't risk getting caught."
She got up and pulled her salwar up and adjusted her kameez without
pulling the bra cups over her tits or hooking the bra clasp.
"Put that cock inside."
"You do that."
She kneeled again and held that in her hands examining it she milked
it again and rubbed his cock all over her face.
"It is like aloe vera. Keeps my face glowing," she said tucking his
cock in.
Surekha made some noise and entered the room after a few seconds.
"This bag got left out," she said as she handed the bag to Raghu.
She had to make an effort not to look at his cock. Rekha' face was
pale as if she had seen a ghost. She looked away hoping that she
would not let Surekha see her face. But it was difficult to keep
looking away. When she faced Surekha, she put out her hand to her
"What is this pinni?" she asked noticing a blob of sticky liquid on
her cheek bone and her forehead.
Rekha tried to draw back but was prevented from doing that by the
bags lying on the floor. She stumbled down slowly not falling down
but slowly being forced to sit down. Her hand held on to the shelves
preventing her from wiping the blob of precum from her face. Instead
of helping her she asked Raghu to help her.
"Will you just stay there watching her fall down?"
As he helped her get up Surekha touched Rekha's face collecting the
biggest drop of precum in her finger. She felt the drop for
"What is it pinni?"
Rekha was dumbstruck. She hoped that the kid would never know what a
precum was. Surekha held her fingers under her nose smelling the
liquid. Rekha was horrified. So was Raghu. But there was hardly
anything she could.
"Smells funny," Surekha said to Rekha.
Suddenly she put the finger to her mouth and sucked the two fingers.
"Tastes salty and sticky. Wonder what it is. It has a funny smell
She took Rekha's dhuppatta and wiped the finger on it. She wiped her
aunt's face and said, "There. It is clean now."
"What is wrong?" she said to her aunt.
After wiping her face she did not give the dhuppatta to her. Instead
she tied it around her head like a turban. Rekha suddenly realized
that her bra cup was up and that her breasts were bare under the
thin kameez. The bra clasp too was undone and she was too scared to
even look at the breasts and make Surekha also notice the state of
her bra. As a remedy she folded her hands over her breasts and
covered them.
"Oh nothing. Why should anything be wrong now?"
"I am asking because you were suddenly silent."
"I must have been thinking about something. You know how it is as
you grow old.""
"Pinni you are not old. What do you say Raghu? Is she old? I mean
does she look old and as if she is the mother of two teen aged
"I am just a driver here. If I say that she is old then you would
get angry. If I say that she is not old and that she doesn't look
old and as if she is the mother of two children who are teenagers
then sir will fire me the next moment if she tells him. Leave me out
of this."
"Uncle doesn't have to know everything that happens here, does he?
But frankly if you saw someone like her, what will you think her age
"Why are you embarrassing him?"
"Raghu I am not asking about her. If you see someone who looks
exactly like her, what will you think her age is?"
"Tell him it is okay pinni. Moreover technically we are talking
about someone looks exactly like you. So it is not about you."
"Okay Raghu tell her. She is stubborn at times."
"I would think that she is twenty eight or twenty nine at the most."
"See I told you pinni. If we went out together then the people would
think that we are sisters. Don't you agree?" she looked at Raghu.
"Last question Raghu. If you saw someone like her, would you look at
her the second time because you find her pretty?"
"What kind of question is that to ask a driver Surekha?"
"Raghu is not like a driver pinni. He is like a friend to all of us.
So what is wrong in asking him if he finds you pretty?"
"Nothing," she replied.
"Actually I wanted to ask him if he finds you attractive or sexy."
"What is wrong with you today? You seem so different today."
"Why should something be wrong when I ask Raghu if he find you
pretty? I only said that I wanted to ask him if he find you sexy and
is attracted to you. I never asked him that."
"First you said you wanted to ask him if he finds me pretty, then
attractive and then sexy. Now you want to know if he is attracted to
"Are you angry with me pinni?" she asked.
"No I am not angry. I don't know what happened to you today."
"That's why you are my favorite aunt." she sad moving closer to her
and giving her a hug. Rekha tried to push her away by putting her
hand in the front saying, "Don't make me all down again."
"Never mind if we fall down. Raghu is ever willing to help us if any
of us fall down."
Without waiting for Rekha to answer Surekha hugged her tightly and
kissed her on the cheek.
As she hugged her aunt she looked at Raghu and asked him, "Yu still
haven't answered my question. Pinni said that it is okay if you
answer me. We won't tell uncle that you find her sexy and that you
are attracted to her."
"You asked me many questions. Now ask me again and I will answer
you. But don't tell uncle or the other kids what I think about their
mother." He talked looking at their breasts as they were crushed and
flattened against each other. He could not help wondering what it
would be like to get his hands on her breasts.
"Okay. Here are the questions. Do you find her attractive?"
"Very sexy?"
"Yes very sexy."
Rekha tried pushing her away. She was afraid that she would find out
about her bra. She was relieved that the quiz was over.
As Surekha freed her self she looked at her breasts as if she had
only then realized that the bra was undone.
"Don't tell me that you went to the store this way pinni, with the
bra undone and the breast bared under the kameez?"
Her voice was almost like a whisper. But as the room was very small
she could not pretend that Raghu could not hear her.
"The bra was tight and it hurt. Anyway I had the dhuppatta. So no
one else could see that I undid my bra."
"No wonder he finds you sexy and is attracted to you. Make sure that
he doesn't get to see them as they are now."
Surekha looked at Raghu and then said, "Let me go and change and get
As she was about to leave Raghu said, "Surekha, the bags got
mistaken and we picked up the wrong packet. We have to exchange them
today itself. But I have to attend to some work on the other car. If
any of you are planning to go that side, can you change them? If
none of you are going that way or if you are busy I will go later."
"Okay. We were anyway planning to go and get something. We will do
it gladly. You fix the other car. We may need it tomorrow."
"Tell me when you leave. I want to rest for a while. And Raghu
should attend to the car."
Raghu left them alone. Surekha helped her arrange the stuff. They
did not talk much as they finished the job.
Soon the other two came down.
"You tell them aunty. If I ask him he will make a fuss," she said.
Manohar complained that they have to take a bus or auto as the store
was far away. He was also eager and looking forward to repeating the
show again and did not want to spoil the chance. But Surekha
prevailed on him.
As they reached the bus stand she said, "You both go and change the
packet. I have some thing to do."
Manohar complained that she was avoiding the long journey. But she
managed to wink at Pallavi. She did not know what the work was but
understood that it may have something to do with what she had
planned to do that morning. She pulled Manohar by his hand and
walked away.
Surekha had kept the back door open. She walked around the house.
She found Raghu walking towards the front door. She sneaked in
through the back door and locked it from inside. She hid in the
passage under the stair case. The space was way out and hidden.
She found Raghu locking the front door. Raghu was already steering
her toward the bedroom when she reached the intended hiding place.
So she did not have to wait long for the show to start.
Rekha was fully aroused too. Her cunt felt steamy and hot, itching
furiously. The short trip to the bedroom only took a moment, and as
soon as they were alone Raghu caught her in his arms.
"Ah, this is what I've been waiting for all morning. Come here.
You've got something I want, and if I don't get it real soon I'm
going to explode!"
His hands were already pulling at her dress, tugging her kameez up.
The light material slumped against the rise of Rekha's oversized
tits, and she giggled as it stopped there, refusing to go any
"Now why don't you just let me do it while you take care of your own
problems? Maybe then we'll see what we can do about your needs!"
She hiked her kameez up, then jerked it over her head and off in one
motion. Then she pushed the salwar down and kicked it away.
Raghu tore off his shirt, and then worked the button of his pants.
He froze with an appreciative stare as her voluptuous body undulated
into sight, nude except for bra and panties.
Frankly, Rekha had to admit she enjoyed the way he always stared at
her, as if he was seeing her for the very first time. She reached up
and unhooked the bounteous white confines of her bra, then pulled it
away and tossed it playfully at him.
Her enormous tits spilled free, big and lush. They bobbled, their
huge nipples swaying before him.
A burst of cunt cream oozed from her heated pussy, and Rekha peeled
her panties down and off, and then kicked them away at him. He took
the panty and tuned it inside out and sniffed at the crotch of her
"Don't you want to smell the real thing?" she asked him pushing her
cunt forward.
Rekha had a sexy body, and she knew it.
"Well?" she said planting her hands on her hips and letting an extra
lilt of excitement creep into her voice. "I thought you were in a
hurry to keep from exploding. Is that all you can do just stand
there and look? Or aren't you in the mood anymore?" Her hips swayed,
adding to the taunt.
Surekha had by now reached the door and was looking inside through
the opening of the door. Rekha was a totally new person. She was no
longer her loving aunt but a prick tease that was swaying her ass
and showing off her cunt to someone who was some eleven years
younger than her.
Raghu shoved his pants down and his cock swung up. It snaked into
the air, massive and stiffened to full hardness, strumming out its
whole eight inches toward her bared pussy.
Rekha surveyed his cock. Its sheer enormity made her cunt ache, just
as it always did. She smiled, more turned on than ever as he kicked
out of his pants and stood before her, his muscular, body and his
cock soaring out like a missile.
Soon they merged together, both moving at once. Instantly Raghu's
hands captured her tits, fingers rippling along their large ripe
nipples and making them quiver as he grunted, his prick nuzzling
into the rich fuzz of her cunt. He caught her ass cheeks in his
hands and kneaded them playing with them.
Suddenly he twisted and caught her in his arms, hoisting her into
the air. Rekha barely had time to let out a playful scream as she
was lifted and dumped in the middle of the bed. She opened her
thighs wide exposing he cunt. She fingered he cunt and then put he
wet fingers to him to be sucked.
Raghu was still grinning as he sank atop her, his lips seizing one
hard pointed nipple and sucking it into his mouth.
"Ahhhh, that's just what I like!" She gasped with pleasure, arching
up to shove her tit in his face. Its fattened spike tingled with
electric sparks that soared right to her cunt, drenching it. "Suck
it, suck it for me..."
By this time she was hotter than a firecracker. Her pussy was
sopping wet, and the throbbing press of his prick against her pussy
made it gush all the more.
Rekha reached down and clutched his bloated cock, pulling it up
until its head nestled between the wet plumped lips of her cunt
Raghu's stiff prick slid effortlessly up inside her. The familiar
feel of his cock slithering deep into her cunt made Rekha groan with
delight. She clutched his ass with one hand and his head with the
other, purring ecstatically as her tit pushed between his lips and
her pussy stretched wide to take the full length of his throbbing
"Ohhhh yes, that's wonderful! Give me your cock, yehhhsss..."
His tongue rolled roughly across it in the way he knew she loved
best, making it pop up urgently in response. His hips began to
undulate, casing his prick around in the squeezing sheath of her
cunt. After all these years Rekha still managed to keep in shape,
and her pussy was just tight. It caught his shaft in a soft vise-
like grip, sucking at it like a hot greedy mouth. She bunched up,
working herself on every inch of cock meat, and her voice turned to
panting moans of uninhibited need.
"Yes, yes, do it to me! Fuck me, fuck me and suck me good!"
Fresh floods of cunt juice poured over Raghu's balls. Rekha was
really going now, as the last of her hesitation dwindled away. She
surged under him like a dynamo, plunging onto his cock in a rhythm
that perfectly matched his long, slow strokes.
Rekha got sexier as the years went by and her drives got stronger,
as well. Right now she was proving that fact with upward thrusts,
taking every bit of his cock and grinding her cunt mouth against his
cock base as if to suck up the last fraction of an inch of his cock.
Her cries grew more frantic, urging him on.
"Yesss, oh fuck yes! Drive it in me good and hard! Suck me and fuck
me, oh that feels so nice! Fuck it to me! Give me your big fucking
She wailed, rising to the first explosion of orgasm in a blast of
juicy heat. This had been their first chance to fuck since Surekha
had arrived almost a week ago, and right now Rekha was enjoying it
to the fullest. Her pussy smacked greedily on Raghu's prick,
picking up speed. The first tremors of release went spiraling
through her and she hunched even faster.
"Oh yes, I'm coming! Do it, make me come good! Yes, yes—aaaahhhh!"
Rekha bucked off the bed in a fury, climaxing in delirious waves of
completion on her love's lunging cock. Her fiery pussy slapped
against his balls, and Raghu slammed down with a last explosive
heave that shoved his meat all the way into her, pinning her ass
back to the bed.
His cock jerked, the first spurt of hot cream shooting down her
cunt, ripping deep inside her. Rekha cried like a baby and writhed
in ecstasy, taking that blast and the ones that followed. Cum shot
up her pussy in thready eruptions, until she was overflowing with
it. Cum dribbled down the crack of her ass and oozed from her
stretched cunt hole as his prick continued to slap in and out until
every drop of jism had been torn from his balls.
Raghu and Rekha heaved and thrashed in unison, captured in mutual
orgasm. After having gone almost a week without fucking, neither of
them was satisfied until they'd wrenched every single spasm of
completion from each other.
It was Raghu who slumped first, releasing her big wet nipple and
groaning with open appreciation.
Still twitching, Rekha had to smile. If anything, he knew her all
too well. "Ohhhhh that was...uhhhhmmmm..."
She gyrated to soak up the last little splatters of jizz, and then
sank back on the bed.
"Uhhhmmm, I suppose it'll do...for starters," her eyes glinted, and
Raghu laughed. It was the same old story.
Once she got started, she never wanted to stop!
"Why do you think Surekha behaved that way today? Do you think she
saw us doing that before she came in?"
"No, if she had seen us do that then she would not have stopped with
that. I think she just is a big town girl and it is normal for girls
in Bombay to behave that way."
"I nearly fainted when she wiped my face and started playing with
your precum. She tasted it and yet did not know what that was."
"If she saw us then the only way to stop her is for me to somehow
fuck her."
"You are a pervert. You would not hesitate to fuck a girl in the
"I am not asking you to let me fuck your daughter though frankly I
would not mind it. All that I am saying is that in case we get
caught by Surekha then I will have to fuck her if she is to be
"Some pervert you are, asking a mother that you would like to fuck
her daughter. Let us hope we never get caught."
Raghu had still not pulled his cock away after they finished.
Suddenly Rekha twisted, pushing him onto his back.
Shouting with surprise but not resisting, Raghu floundered as his
prick slid wetly from her cunt and plopped free, all glistening and
slick with juices.
Rekha was moving around on he knees on the bed. She swooped,
capturing his drained cock between her full lips, and her tongue
slid across its dripping surface with angry determined strokes,
lapping it clean,
Raghu smiled, letting he take her revenge. He watched as her pink
tongue flicked across his wrinkled balls and lolling cock, licking
off the juices of their fucking. Then she began to suck his limp
prick in earnest, taking it in the moist warm pocket of her lips and
working it hard again.
It didn't take long, not long at all. If there was one thing Rekha
could do as well as fucking, it was sucking him off. Soon his cock
nudged up, swelling once more to full hardness. She sucked harder,
her round, firm ass squirming before him as her head started to bob
up and down with hungry suction.
"Ahhhh, that's it." He murmured his approval, fondling her lush ripe
ass and urging her on. "Yeah, you know how I like it best! Give it
to me give it to me..."
Rekha was concentrating on doing just that. She loved to suck his
cock. She loved the taste of his cum, the warm sticky feel of its
thickness gliding down her throat. During the past several days all
her attention had been focused on the children, and Surekha's
presence in the house. But now all she wanted at the moment was to
make up for lost time.
Her head moved faster, bobbing up and down on the fully swollen
shaft of his huge prick. Within moments she had him groaning,
twisting under her and shoving his cock between her lips as they
rode up and down even faster.
"Yeah, that's good. Faster, faster...aaahhh..."
His cock filled her mouth and throat. Eager to taste more of its
precious jism, she sucked until her jaw ached. Raghu's fingers
slipped down to tickle at the fat hooded nub of his clit, and Rekha
gave a muffled moan of pleasure as she pumped her head on his prick
with horny need.
Rolling his fingers across her clit bud, he arched. His prick
strummed up between her lips and a warning tingle seemed to come
from it. Rekha could practically feel the fresh load of cum boiling
up in his balls, and increased her suction with ravenous delight.
"Yeah, yeah that's...oh I can't take it! You're asking for it, and
I'm going to —Ahhhh!"
That was all he could stand. Hunching up with a suddenness that
crammed the full length of his cock down her throat, Raghu let his
second load of jizz rip loose.
She purred as it jetted into her mouth, gushing across her tongue in
huge globs. Swallowing again and again, she took it all. Each and
every blast of cum slid between her lips, and she drank them up.
Clutching her head, Raghu heaved. "Oh you sucking bitch, you're
sucking me dry! Yeah, yeahhhh..." His voice came out in a harsh
little chuckle as she mouthed his cock empty, not satisfied until
she'd licked the last tiny droplet.
"There! Now you won't be causing me any trouble for a while -- at
least for a while."
"That's what you think. I am not a selfish guy who would let you go
He pushed her on her tummy and then raised her on her knees and on
the palms of her hands. Rekha knew that he liked this best. She
could hardly conceal her anxiety. She raised her ass and waited for
him to start licking her all over the anus and the cunt. The thing
that she liked best about him was that he never complained that
something was dirty. E kissed her lips and the asshole the same way
as if they were one and the same. He would lick her cheeks and the
next moment he would lift her hands and lick her under arms as if
that made no difference.
He knelt behind her and bent down opening her ass cheeks. His face
dived in between her biggish ass cheeks and he pulled them apart
exposing the entire area. Surekha felt her knees tremble at the raw
display of lust before her eyes. She saw the pink ring of anus and
the wide open yet wet cunt and the prominent clit sticking out like
the infant's cock. Raghu put his tongue out and started licking her
His cock was still limp and flaccid. But it gained in shape as he
sated licking her. He opened her cunt lips wide and his tongue dived
inside the opening. Rekha's cunt was bigger and the lips bigger and
After some two minutes Raghu's cock was hard but not as hard as when
she was sucking him or when he was fucking her. He got up and aimed
f her cunt. They were both silent now. Slowly his cock entered her
cunt. Surekha was reminded of seeing a bull mount a cow in one of
the stud farms that she saw in the National Geographic channel.
Raghu was on her back. He put hands under he tummy and with one hand
manipulated her clit. The other hand was on her breast pulling her
long nipples. He increased the speed. Surekha heard them moaning
incoherently. She was fingering herself a through. They sure knew
how to fuck. But she had to find a way of gaining their confidence.
Then they would let he watch them from close by. She could trust her
aunt to keep Raghu away from her. The size of his cock frightened
her. She was sure that she would die if she let him shove that big
cock of his in her cunt. But there were other things that she knew
that Manohar would never do, like licking her asshole. She wanted to
try that.
She adjusted her dress. She waited for the tempo to reach a peak and
then she waked on he toes and reached the bed.
"Kiss me as you fuck me," Rekha said.
"Okay, give me your lips," Raghu said as he caught her by the hair
and made her turn around.
That was when Rekha saw Surekha standing behind them. Before she
knew how to respond Raghu sealed her lips with his and increased the
tempo of his thrusts. Rekha tried to pull away and say something.
She was always wild and moaning, especially when she was cumming.
That was what he liked about her. She shook violently and made those
guttural sounds ad orgasmed wildly. She was doing that now, or so
thought Raghu. It excited him even more, and he fucked her faster.
Surekha locked her gaze at Rekha's eyes as the latter got fucked
violently. Despite her self Rekha could not help responding to the
thrusts. The ass responded rhythmically to the fucking. She knew
that Surekha did not look even one bit shocked on the other hand she
seemed to enjoy the act.
They both came like two volcanoes. That was when she patted Raghu on
his back and said, "You have to learn to be silent. What if the
others come here now?"
Raghu was shooting inside her cunt when she patted him. His
immediate response was to pull his cock out. There was no way to
stop the orgasm now having started it. He shot his jism all over
Rekha's back and on the bed. Stream of cum also fell on Surekha. He
looked at her in shock and disbelief.